What’s Hugo?
It’s a static site generator written in Golang. As a similar static site generator, Jekyll, Middleman, etc. There are 3 major reasons for choosing Hugo:
- Easy installation.
- Page generation is fast.
- My colleague recommended it!
Install the hugo.
If you are using a Mac.
$ brew install hugo
Create a site.
$ hugo new site ${site_name}
Install some theme.
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git submodule add https://github.com/${user_id}/${repos_name}.git
Post articles.
$ hugo new ${article_name.md}
Preview site.
$ hugo server -t ${theme_name} -w
Generate a page.
$ hugo -t ${theme_name}
theme = "${theme_name}" # Apply theme.
canonifyurls = true # It's absolute path based on baseurl, not a relative path.
publishDir = "${dir_path}" # Directory path to publish