An English Beginner Grandpa

March 2017 · 1 minute read
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I’m learning English seriously because I would like to communicate freely with my foreign colleagues. I would also want to discuss technology or software with engineers all over the world. I think it’s going to be enjoyable.

However, I sometimes get depressed. This is a time when good results are difficult to achieve. For instance, it’s hard to come up with an easy vocabulary. Simple grammar structures can be very confusing and I sometimes can’t pronounce “S” properly.

I feel unhappy when things like this happen.

I was looking up on the internet to check if there’s someone who is having the same problem as me. Then, I found one movie by chance and it’s about 3 minutes short. The title was “English for Beginners. “ It is a story about an old man who is struggling in learning English.

I can’t understand Polish but I can perceive the idea of the movie. I realized that a person can reach his goals with the help of determination and positive attitude.

When I feel discouraged, I will always remember my purpose.

By the way, this short movie is provided by Allegro, an EC site company in Poland.


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